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Megan McIntyre is an Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Composition and Director of the Program in Rhetoric and Composition at the University of Arkansas.  She was formerly Writing Program Director at Sonoma State University and the Assistant Director of Dartmouth College's Institute for Writing and Rhetoric. She received her PhD from the University of South Florida in 2015, and her research interests include digital rhetoric and writing, antiracist pedagogy and writing program administration, and postpedagogy. You can find her most recent work in WPA: Writing Program Administration, Present Tense, The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, Academic Labor, PromptTextshop Experiments, and Composition Forum.


Email: mm250 [at] uark [dot] edu
Office: KIMP 328
Office Hours (Fall 2023): Tuesdays, 10-11 AM & 12:15-2 PM, Thursdays, 10-11 AM, Fridays, 12-2 PM, and by appointment